Node-Red Integration with cloud API(Thingspeak)

Hi Everyone,

In this post, I would like to share about how to send data from Node-Red to cloud api like thingspeak. I installed a node-red-contrib-thingspeak42 node which posts data to thingSpeak channel. It is capable of aggregating multiple messages into a single multi-filed post. Then , I created a new channel in with two fileds Temperature and Humidity and generated the write Api key. The thingSpeak node in the node-red is configured with this writeApi key.

The Node-Red Flow

Thingspeak field Charts:

WebPage to view data from the Database

I would like to share information about grafana and how I installed it for the graphical representation of the data in the database.

What is Grafana?

Grafana is a open source visualisation and analytics software.It provides you with tools to turn your time-series database (TSDB) data into beautiful graphs and visualizations.

I downloaded grafana from the link given by the professor( and installed it on my laptop. After successful installation, I opened grafana at localhost:3000 and it prompted me to login with admin credentials, after which it allows us to set a new password. Once logged into it, I added mySql as a datasource. Then, I started to add panels to visualise temperature and humidity values by running sql queries.

This video ( is very handy and helpful.

This is how the data I captured on the database looks on the webpage.

